sobota, 5 stycznia 2013

Dust Land

Kuba Slomkowski, Loïc Bertrand, Kuba Dykiert
Library Krasinski, Warsaw
October 2012
58 mn.

Exploring different dimensions of space using sound, light, movement, dance and scenography, the action evolved in all the abandoned building. The performance was mainly inspired by the autodafé of 1944, when much of the books of the library were burned, and culture turned into bestiality.


Kuba Slomkowski, Loïc Bertrand
August 2012
20 mn.

Second part of a performance incorporating electronic sounds in a natural environment. Styx took place in a small lake on the edge of the village, at dusk, when nature get louder than human. Entering slowly the water with instruments embarked on small hand-made boats, we changed into natural beings corresponding with surrounding voices. Styx is about crossing borders and thought to be performed in other places.

Partytury Fotograficzne

Photography Scores


Kuba Slomkowki, Loik Bertrand, Kuba Dykiert
Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
may 2010
In cooperation with polish section of Interntional Society For Contemporary Music
Music curator Ryszard Latecki
Curator of photography Mariusz Wideryński
90 mn

The main intention of this project was looking for relationship between  image and sound, more specifically between pictorial photography from Thirties and Forties and contemporary music. All peaces were improvised and played each one interpreting different image. Majority of sounds and ideas were based on instruments built from found objects.

The Wall

Performers: Kuba Dykiert, Loik Bertrand, Jakub Słomkowski
April 2009
Wall of a building on Hoża street, Warsaw
In cooperation with Hożarty 2009
Duration 2 h

Breaking the viewer expectations by changing the roles between performers and audience. At one time all the space including parking became a place of action. From the position that we took on the wall we were asking viewers to perform various tasks. The dialogue between us was enriched with a realm of sound that we created in live.